We explore the ways art can be a potent and powerful tool for reconnecting people to the natural world and to one another, supporting human wellbeing and healthy societies.
We create artworks and imaginative participatory programmes that invite a re-evaluation of our behaviours and our relationship with the environment.
We uncover stories and knowledge held in different cultures, species and times, to help connect people to the places they live, to our shared ecology and natural heritage. By shifting perspectives and scales we aim to gain insights and extend understanding of the importance of diverse thinking and the true value of biodiverse environments.
We recognise the urgency to reverse the escalating collapse of natural ecosystems, to tackle social isolation, mental ill health and environmental disconnect, but acknowledge the importance of slowing down to address these challenges, to notice the quiet changes in our local habitats and the intricate details of our interconnected systems.
Honeyscribe supports and extends the work of its founder and artistic director Amy Shelton, whose finely crafted practice brings into focus the complex interplay between human health and environmental wellbeing.

Details from Florilegium: Honey Flow Quadriptych by Amy Shelton (2014)